Línea Férrea del Oeste (Valdés Railroad and Ferry Line), Bayamón to San Juan, meter gauge / Ferrocarril de Bayamón a San Juan

All photos used with permission / Fotos usadas con permiso

This railroad operated between the towns of Bayamón, Cataño and San Juan.  It included a ferry service between Cataño and San Juan.  /  Este ferrocarril dio servicio entre los pueblos de Bayamón, Cataño y San Juan.  Incluía un servicio de ferry entre Cataño y San Juan.


Estación de Bayamón / Jordan Brown Collection

Estación de Bayamón.   Observe que los vagones tienen un segundo piso.  El primer tranvía de sangre de Mayagüez tenía dos pisos. / Observe the two floor trams.                Colección Ricardo Medina.



The illustrations above represent a double screw steam ferry boat for transporting railway carriages, vehicles, and passengers, etc., designed and constructed by Messrs. Edwards and Symes, of Cubitt Town, London. The hull is constructed of iron, and is of the following dimensions: Length 60 ft.; beam 16 ft.; over sponsons 25 ft. The vessel was fitted with a propeller, rudder, and steering gear at each end, to enable it to run in either direction without having to turn around. The boat was designed for the purpose of working the train service across the bay of San Juan, in the island of Puerto Rico, and for this purpose a single line of steel rails, of meter gauge, is laid along the center of the deck, and also along the hinged platforms at each end. In the engraving these platforms are shown, one hoisted up, and the other lowered to the level of the deck. When the boat is at one of the landing stages, the platform is lowered to the level of the rails on the pier, and the carriages and trucks are run on to the deck by means of the small hauling engine, which works an endless chain running the whole length of the deck.

The trucks, etc., being on board, the platform is raised by means of two compact hand winches worked by worm and worm-wheels in the positions shown; thus these two platforms form the end bulwarks to the boat when crossing the bay. On arriving at the opposite shore the operation is repeated, the other platform is lowered, and the hauling engine runs the trucks, etc., on to the shore. With a load of 25 tons the draught is 4 ft.

The seats shown on the deck are for the convenience of foot passengers, and the whole of the deck is protected from the sun of that tropical climate by a canvas awning. The steering of the vessel is effected from the bridge at the center, which extends from side to side of the vessel, and there are two steering wheels with independent steering gear for each end, with locking gear for the forward rudder when in motion. The man at the wheel communicates with the engineer by means of a speaking tube at the wheel. There is a small deck house for the use of deck stores, on one side of which is the entrance to the engine room. The cross battens, shown between the rails, are for the purpose of horse traffic, when horses are used for hauling the trucks, or for ordinary carts or wagons. The plan below deck shows the arrangement of the bulkheads, with a small windlass at each end for lifting the anchors, and a small hatch at each side for entrance to these compartments. The central compartment contains the machinery, which consists of a pair of compound surface condensing engines, with cylinders 11 in. and 20 in. in diameter; the shafting running the whole length of the vessel, with a propeller at each end.

Steam is generated in a steel boiler of locomotive form, so arranged that the funnel passes through the deck at the side of the vessel; and it is designed for a working pressure of 100 lb. per square inch. This boiler also supplies steam for the small hauling engine fixed on the bulkhead. Light to this compartment is obtained by means of large side scuttles along each side of the boat and glass deck lights, and the iron grating at the entrance near the deck house. This boat was constructed in six pieces for shipment, and the whole put together in the builders’ yard. The machinery was fixed, and the engine driven by steam from its own boiler, then the whole was marked and taken asunder, and shipped to the West Indies, where it was put together and found to answer the purpose intended. – Engineering.

http://chestofbooks.com/crafts/scientific-american/sup3/An-English-Railway-Ferry-Boat.html.  Copyrighted by StasoSphere, http://chestofbooks.com/ (See / Ver: http://chestofbooks.com/terms-of-use.html)


Colección Ricardo Medina


Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Proyecto de Tramvía de Bayamón a Cataño, 369/12.  1882.  (Hoy se usa la palabra “Tranvía”)


Dave Deyo Collection (U.S. Geological Survey, c1932 and c1940s).  Today the railroad and ferry service between Bayamón and San Juan and the American Railroad do not exist.  However the ferry service exists.  /  Hoy día el servicio de ferrocarril y ferry entre Bayamón y San Juan y la American Railroad no existen.  Pero todavía existe el servicio del ferry.


Ver / See: Compañía Línea Férrea del Oeste
Used with permission.  Copyright by Allen Morrison.  See / Ver: – San Juan  http://www.tramz.com/pr/sj.html The Tramways of San Juan, Puerto Rico by Allen Morrison, (Copyright © 2008-2108 Allen Morrison).


Waldrop Photo Co Set No 13 Real Photo Card No. 2 – CATAÑO – El Tren de Cataño a Bayamon – Unused.

From pr rr historian1:

A much better view of the Catano station and trackwork on the Linea Ferrea del Oeste. The
locomotive is an English import built by Black & Hawthorn, the first power for the common carrier railroad. I honestly think this little railroad was not only the first commuter and freight carrier on the Island, but also the one that rendered the best and most reliable service for the time period during which it operated. Coaches in the picture reflect the second and third groups purchased. The first coaches looked like stagecoaches, with an upper level with railing and removable canvas roof. An excellent schedule of trips on both the train and the ferries to San Juan, gave superb access to Viejo San Juan for residents of Bayamon and Catano and other close-by communities. Don Ramon Valdes gets an A+ for his little “trencito de Valdes”………….

I forgot to mention that this scene includes some evidence of activity loading or unloading a tiny gondola, most likely to be placed in the center section of the ferries for transport to San Juan.  You can see the tiny four-wheeled car, and a man positioning or picking up bags………..

The second batch of passenger cars purchased for the LFO did very
much resemble Annie & Clarbell, only about double the length. And
Yes, some of the little narrower gauge engines on the Sodor railway
aren’t that much different. Infact, the little Black & Hawthorn
locomotives (one of which is leading the train in this photo) were
made in England.

Moscioni RPPC (Attributed) – CATANO – Tranvia de Catano – Mailed SJ DEC 14, 1911.

From  pr rr historian1:
Another few comments: The locomotive has the lettering LFO for Linea Ferrea del Oeste
just below the cab window. It is possible that there is a number below the small builder plate too, but it is hard to identify. Also note that there is lettering on the door of the boxcar behind the two coaches. It also bears a number 3. I suspect it is lettered for a company on the railroad, as there is an “&” starting the lower row of lettering. While the coaches were lettered in full with the railroad name, the freight cars only had a simple LFO on them, meaning this little boxcar belongs to a shipper either on the railroad or in San Juan (via the ferry which could accomodate a few freight cars in the middle section). The first coach is probably FIRST CLASS as it has the upper row of windows to brighten the car inside. The trailing coach is probably SECOND CLASS, with lower ceilings and less window exposure. Note the barefeet too on the spectators to the right.


Hayman’s Tourist Shop RP Type 1 – SAN JUAN – Ferryboat Pier [Linea Ferrea del Oeste Estacion], San Juan, P. R.

Our grandfather, Antonio Melendez, worked here as a ticket agent and clerk for some years. During lunch time, he would some times go to the Gonzalez Padin store, located a few blocks away at the main Plaza, and it was there that he met our grandmother, Maria Ortiz, who worked at Gonzalez Padin.

MOSCIONI RPPC ~ SAN JUAN – Federal Building [Ferry Boat at Ferry Building] – Unused.

This photo is great. It shows the ferry carrying a railroad car as it approaches the Linea Ferrea del Oeste station in front. We have another photo listed in this set that shows the front of the station. The railroad was being transported from Catano to S.J. to be rolled onto the rails inside the station and outside in front.

See / Ver:  Colección José Luis Rodríguez y José Alfredo “FRED” Rodríguez, Archivo Histórico y Fotográfico de Puerto Rico.  Very extensive photo collection of Puerto Rico. / Colección extensa de fotos de Puerto Rico.  Photos used with permission. / Fotos usadas con permiso.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/fredandrebecca/sets/


Colección Ricardo Medina


Report on the Island of Porto Rico by Henry K. Carroll, Washington, Government
Printing Office, 1899, page 156

More information / Más datos

Breve historia de los servicios del tren y las lanchas de Cataño




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Fondo De Obras Públicas…Ferrocarriles Y Tranvías

Fondo De Obras Públicas, Inventario Sub Fondo Ferrocarriles Y Tranvías, Proyecto De Digitalización Del Fondo De Obras Públicas, 2005

Instituto De Cultura Puertorriqueña.  Archivo General De Puerto Rico.  “Fondo De Obras Públicas, Inventario Sub Fondo Ferrocarriles Y Tranvías, Proyecto De Digitalización Del Fondo De Obras Públicas, 2005.” 210 pag.  Web. 27 Sept 2007. <http://www.icp.gobierno.pr/agp/PDF/dtop_web_4sept07.pdf>  (Enlace no está trabajando / Link not working / 27 August 2012)

Del Prefacio:
Para realizar los trabajos relacionados a la producción de este inventario
se contó con la colaboración de los siguientes miembros del Proyecto de
digitalización del Fondo de Obras Públicas: Yamaira Acevedo, Joel Blanco,
Cristina Corrada, Nilsa Dávila, Marly Ferrer, Julia Lausell, Norma López,
Dina Monllor, José E. Ortiz, Milagros Pepín (a cargo de la coordinación del
proyecto), Gabriela Rodríguez y Richelle Vázquez.


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Parque de las Cavernas del Río Camuy / Río Camuy Cave Park


Antigua Locomotora en el Parque de las Cavernas del Río Camuy
Old locomotive at Río Camuy Cave Park
Summer 2006 / Verano 2006

Photo used with permission /Foto usada con permiso
Jaykar / Caribbean Moderator. “Camuy | Imágenes y Discusiones Urbanas – Página 2 – SkyscraperCity.” Web. 25 Aug. 2012.

Locomotive Specifications – ARR #88  ALCO(Cooke Works) #52986  5/18  41 1/2 tons
The locomotive at Camuy was originally American Railroad #88, a 2-8-0 compound built by American Locomotive Co.  It was sold in the 1950s to A. Roig Sucrs. for use on the meter gauge sugar railway serving Central El Ejemplo.  It became #11 on that roster.

Originalmente American Railroad #88, 2-8-0, construida por la American Locomotive Co.  Pasó a ser la #11 en la Central El Ejemplo.

Deyo, Dave. Message to R. Aponte.  2 June 2012.  E-mail.



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Steam Engines from North Wales (Gales) / Penrhyn Slate Quarry

The following engines, Cegin and Nesta, are located at Hacienda La Esperanza, owned by the Conservation trust of Puerto Rico, in the town of Manatí, Puerto Rico.  They operated at the Penrhyn Slate quarry in Wales.

Las locomotoras Cegin y Nesta son de Gales.  Se encuentran en la Hacienda La Esperanza del Fideicomiso de Conservación de Puerto Rico en Manatí, Puerto Rico.  Operaron en la cantera de Penrhyn en Gales.

R0645 CEGIN June 1961
1961/06.R645. Andrew Barclay 0-4-0WT CEGIN at Penrhyn Slate Quarry in North Wales.
June, 1961. Copyright © Ron Fisher.

Fisher, Ron. R0645 CEGIN June 1961. 2008. Flickr. Web. 29 July 2012. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/train-pix/5559266961/in/photostream/>.

R0713 CEGIN Penrhyn Aug1961
1961/08.R713. Andrew Barclay 0-4-0WT CEGIN of 1931 at Penrhyn Slate Quarry. August, 1961.

Fisher, Ron. R0713 CEGIN Penrhyn Aug1961. 2007. Flickr. Web. 29 July 2012. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/train-pix/5559299165/>.

Photos used with permission / Fotos usados con permiso

Locomotora Barclay (Fabricante) conocida como CEGIN
Hacienda La Esperanza, Manatí, Puerto Rico


R0643 NESTA Penrhyn Jun1961
1961/06.R643. Nestling in her shed, Hunslet 0-4-0ST NESTA of 1899 at Penrhyn Slate Quarry in June, 1961.

Fisher, Ron. R0643 NESTA Penrhyn Jun1961. 2011. Flickr. Web. 29 July 2012. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/train-pix/5559266333/>.

Photo used with permission / Foto usada con permiso

Locomotora tipo Hunslet (Fabricante) conocido como NESTA
Hacienda La Esperanza, Manatí, Puerto Rico

Please see / Favor de ver:

Eagle1711 (24-04-2009).
“Locos in Canada.” National Preservation. Web. 31 July 2012.

Cegin / Barclay (0-4-0WT) / 1991 / 1931 / ex-Penrhyn Quarries, 1/65 /
Sugar Mill Museum, Manati, Puerto Rico.

Nesta / Hunslet (0-4-0T) / 704 / 1899
nee Penrhyn Quarries, (1/65)
Sugar Mill Museum, Manati, Puerto Rico.
“Penrhyn Quarry Railway.” Web. 31 July 2012.

Penrhyn Steam locomotive data:

Cegin /    Quarry / Date 1931 / Andrew Barclay / 0-4-0WT / Works No. 1991 /    7.10T /    Stored Porto Rico

Nesta /    Quarry / Date 1899 / Hunslet / 0-4-0ST / Works No. 704 / 6T /    Stored Porto Rico
The Narrow Gauge Railway Museum
“Penrhyn Quarries | The Narrow Gauge Railway Museum.” Web. 31 July 2012.

Penrhyn Quarries:

Cegin – Andrew Barclay & Sons No. 1991 of 1931; 0-4-0 well tank. Purchased 1934

Nesta – Hunslet Engine Co. No. 704 of 1899; 0-4-0 tank. 1ft 10¾in gauge. Survives.
The book – Quarry Hunslets of North Wales, Group 7: Penrhyn ‘Small Quarry”Class, pages 180 -181, in summary, mentions that Nesta (Hunslet), built in 1899, Works No. 704, and Cegin, ex-Penrhyn Andrew Barclay No. 1991 of 1931, were sold to the US. One of the owners was Robert Johnson of Georgia. Nesta is believed to be in Puerto Rico.

Resumiendo, del libro Quarry Hunslets of North Wales, las locomotoras Nesta (Hunslet) y Cegin (Barclay) pasaron a Estados Unidos.  Uno de sus dueños fue Robert Johnson de Georgia.  Se cree que Nesta está en Puerto Rico.

Comments / Comentario:

I personally met Robert Johnson c1985 when he was restoring Hacienda Buena Vista in Ponce for the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico, which owns Hacienda La Esperanza of Manatí, where Nesta and Cegin are located.

Conocí personalmente a Robert Johnson c1985 en Ponce. Johnson trabajó para el Fideicomiso de Conservación de Puerto Rico en la restauración de la Hacienda Buena Vista de Ponce.

El Fideicomiso de Conservación es propietaria de la Hacienda La Esperanza en Manatí, donde se encuentran las locomotoras Nesta y Cegin.
Deyo, Dave.  “Data on the two English critters.”  Emails to R. Aponte.  2 June 2012 / 26 August 2012.

Nesta  Hunslet Engine Co. #704  1889  6 tons  0-4-0 Saddletank, gauge 22 3/4″ gauge (58 cm).

Cegin    Andrew Barclay  #1931 1891  0-4-0 Well Tank, gauge 22 3/4″ gauge (58 cm).   Gauge was 24″ (60 cm) when it was owned by Durham County Waterboard.

[Gauge = Ancho de vía / Trocha]

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Ponce & Guayama Railroad


Ponce & Guayama Railroad

Unloading facilities of sugar cane /Virador –  área de vacío de caña en la central
Central Aguirre

Motor car or speeder / Auto-vía, automotor, Buda –Carritos de gasolina usado por las
brigadas de mantenimiento de vías.  Son sacados o removidos de la vía como una carretilla.  (Central Aguirre)

Round House / Casa de Máquinas (Garaje de locomotoras y budas)
Central Aguirre

Plymouth Locomotives (Central Aguirre)

Loading Ramp.  Derrick or cranes are also used. / Rampa usada para llenar vagones de caña.  También se usan grúas.

Ponce & Guayama sugar cane train.  Colección Dave Deyo

General Roy Stone obtained by auction Hacienda Aguirre and also owned the Port America Co., a railway franchise.  He was not able to come up with the money so DeFord & Co. bought Hacienda Aguirre in 1899.  DeFord were bankers from Ponce, who had come from Boston.  They built a modern sugar mill and railroad.  The Port America Co. became part of the Aguirre mill railroad which also had a portable railway which used oxen for motive power.  The railway was named American Railroad Co. of  Porto Rico, Aguirre Operator which later became Ponce & Guayama Railroad.  It operated between the towns of Ponce and Guayama.  They bought the franchise of Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico, to operate a public service railway east of Ponce, with passenger and freight service beginning in 1910 between the towns mentioned.  In the 1970’s sugar cane operations were extended to the town of Arroyo.

Ownership of Central Aguirre and the Ponce & Guayama Railroad changed.  The sugar mill, the railroad, the lands, and other properties were expropriated in 1970 by the government.  The Land Administration of Puerto Rico operated the sugar mill and railroad.  These operations were passed on to the Sugar Corporation of Puerto Rico, a subsidiary of the Land Authority of Puerto Rico.  This last agency controlled the lands.  The sugar mill and railroad ceased operations in 1990. 

The Ponce & Guayama Railroad was the last operating sugar cane railway of Puerto Rico.  Track gauge was one meter.

El General Roy Stone obtuvo por subasta la Hacienda Aguirre y poseía la franquicia Port America Co., un ferrocarril.  El no pudo obtener el dinero así que DeFord & Co. compraron  la Hacienda Aguirre en 1899.  DeFord & Co. eran de Ponce y habían venido de Boston.  Construyeron la Central Aguirre y su ferrocarril de caña usando locomotoras de vapor.  La Port America Co. pasó a ser parte de la Central Aguirre además del ferrocarril de sangre de vías portátiles ya existentes.  El ferrocarril de vapor se llamó American Railroad Co. of  Porto Rico, Aguirre Operator y luego cambió su nombre a Ponce & Guayama Railroad.  Este operaba entre los pueblos de Ponce y Guayama.  Ellos compraron la franquicia de Ferrocarriles de Puerto Rico para operar un ferrocarril de servicio público al este de Ponce, dando servicio de pasajeros y de carga, el cual empezó en el 1910.  Para los años 1970’s, las operaciones de caña se llevaron hasta el pueblo de Arroyo.

La Central Aguirre y el Ponce & Guayama Railroad pasaron a otros dueños.  La central, el ferrocarril, y sus tierras, más otras propiedades fueron  expropiadas en 1970 por el gobierno de Puerto Rico.  La Administración de Terrenos se encargó de las operaciones de la central y el ferrocarril.  Posteriormente las operaciones pasaron a la Corporación Azucarera, subsidaria de la Autoridad de Tierras.  La Autoridad de Tierras administró las tierras.  La central y el ferrocarril dejaron de operar en el 1990.

La Ponce & Guayama Railroad fue el último ferrocarril de caña de Puerto Rico.  El ancho de vía era de un metro.

Aguila de Puerto Rico, 1 de oct de 1910

Used for maintenance by the carpenter brigade.  Usado por la brigada de carpinteros para mantenimiento.

Sugar train for Central Aguirre.  Carga de caña para la Central Aguirre.

Steam locomotive pulling sugarcane by t13hman.  Nissley, A:photog

See / Ver:

Aguila de Puerto Rico, 1 de oct de 1910. (Newspaper)
Aponte Pargas, Roger, Apuntes sobre el último ferrocarril de Puerto Rico, Ponce & Guayama Railroad, P&G, 1984.
Central Aguirre Sugar Co. Fiftieth Anniversay Annual Report, 1949.
Dept of the Interior, letter, 1938
First Annual Report of the Governor of Puerto Rico
Ramos Mattei, Andrés, La Sociedad del azúcar en Puerto Rico: 1870-1910, 1988.
t13hman’s photostream,  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tlehman/


Ponce & Guayama Mapa Topográfico (Topographic Maps)

Ponce & Guayama RR (Prepared and published by the Defense Mapping Agency, Topographic Center, Washington, D. C., Map information as of 1977, Scale 1:50,000)

Ponce & Guayama (2) (United States Geological Survey, different years, 1940s and 1950s)

Plano de vía Ponce & Guayama RR
[Sketch / Dibujo] Compare con los dos mapas anteriores. Los nombres identifican los desvíos. / Compare with the previous maps. Names refer to sidings. (Colección Privada)

Plano del  “pueblo compañía” Central Aguirre
Plan of Central Aguirre Company Town
( 4.54 MB)

Aguirre Station’s new image, June 2011 / Estación de Aguirre con nueva imagen, junio 2011

Work train.  Tren de trabajo

 © 2009 Roger W. Aponte


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Baldwin Locomotives in Puerto Rico – Pryor, Bruce

0-6-6-0 American Railroad of Porto Rico Data  39 3-8 inch gauge (1meter)

0-6-6-0 American Railroad of Porto Rico Data  39 3-8 inch gauge (1meter)

044T- Central Rufina

044T- Central Rufina – Baldwin narrow gauge catalogue locomotives-table

0-6-0T American Railroad of Porto Rico  39 3-8 inch gauge (1meter)

0-6-0T American Railroad of Puerto Rico – Baldwin narrow gauge catalogue locomotives-table

0-4-0T Porto Rico – plantation 30 inch gauge (0.762 meter)  Porter catalog locomotives


Source / Fuente:

Baldwin Locomotives in Puerto Rico – Pryor, Bruce. Narrow Gauge Pictures From Off The Beaten Path. Hosted by Railfan Net, n.d. Web. 28 July 2012. <http://narrowmind.railfan.net/#cars>. Used with permission.  Locomotoras de vapor en Puerto Rico. Usado con permiso.



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Ponce and Guayama Railroad Track Plan (Plano de vía)

Plano de vías de la Ponce & Guayama Railroad, vía principal y desvíos.  Los desviós eran usados para que un tren pudiera pasarle a otro, como estaciones para recoger caña, y colocar vagones .   Para llegar a la estación de  Ponce, la vía de la Ponce & Guayama se unía al oeste con la vía de la Fortuna Railroad y esta a la American Railroad.  Para llegar hasta Arroyo, al este,  la Ponce & Guayama se unía a la Luce & Co. donde está señalado  la Central Machete.  La Ponce & Guayama RR, Luce & Co., Central Aguirre, Central Cortada,  y Central Machete eran compañías afiliadas.

Ponce & Guayama Railroad, main track and sidings.  Sidings were used for trains to meet and pass each other, as loading sugar cane stations, and for storing railroad cars.  To reach the Ponce station to the West, the P&G tracks made a connection with the Fortuna Railroad tracks which in turn made a connection with the American Railroad.  To reach the town of Arroyo, East of Guayama, the P&G tracks connected to the Luce & Co. in the area marked Central Machete.  The P&GRR., Luce & Co., Central  Aguirre, Central Cortada, and Central Machete were affiliated companies.

(United States Geological Survey, different years, 1940s and 1950s)

Ponce & Guayama RR – Prepared and published by the Defense Mapping Agency, Topographic Center, Washington, D. C., Map information as of 1977, Scale 1:50,000

Plano de vía Ponce & Guayama RR (Sketch Ponce & Guayama Railroad) Compare con los dos mapas anteriores. Los nombres identifican los desvíos. / Compare with the previous maps. Names refer to sidings.

Plano del  “pueblo compañía” Central Aguirre
Plan of Central Aguirre Company Town
( 4.54 MB)



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Ponce Electric Trolley / Tranvía Eléctrico de Ponce (Data)

Colección Archivo Histórico de Ponce

Ponce Electric Trolley Track Plan, First Phase / Plano de vías del trolley de Ponce, primera fase (AGPR, Obras Públicas, Ferrocarries, Caja 161, leg. 98 (Archivo Histórico de Puerto Rico)

Ponce – Ponce Port Phase 1

Ponce Electric Trolley Track Plan, second phase / Plano de vías del trolley de Ponce, segunda fase

Ponce Port, Phase 2

El 27 de febrero de 1901, el Consejo Ejecutivo de Puerto Rico aprobó una franquicia autorizando al Sr. W.S.H. Lothrop para construir y operar un tranvía electrico en Ponce.  El tranvía se inaguró el 28 de abril de 1902 y terminó de operar en diciembre del 1927

On February 27, 1901, the Executive Council of Puerto Rico approved a franchise authorizing Mr. W.S.H. Lothrop to construct and operate an electric trolley in Ponce.  Operations started on April 28, 1902 and ended in December 1927.

Pages 168 – 169, Record of the Class, Class of 1890 Report VI, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Neumann Gandía, Eduardo.  Verdadera y auténtica historia de la ciudad de Ponce, San Juan, P.R.,  1913

Trolley Franchise / Franquicia del Tranvía Eléctrico
Compare franquicia con el mapa de Neumann y Lothrop.
Compare the franchise and the trolley maps.

Tranvía de vapor de Ponce / Ponce Steam Tram

Ponce Steam Tram Passenger Car
Vagón de pasajeros del tranvía de vapor de Ponce

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Tren Urbano Fotos/ San Juan Light Rail System Photos

By Michael T. Burkhart, Woodlyn, Pennsylvania

Torrimar Station

Torrimar Station

Torrimar Station

Martínez Nadal Station

Also by Mike T. Burkhart:  Chemex Railway by  Michael T. Burkhart

Articles by Mike:

Burkhart, Michael T.  “A Visit to the North Shore Railroad.” Railpace Newsmagazine Oct 1999: 26-31.

—.  “And the Meek Shall Inherit…”  Railfan & Railroad Oct 2007: 34-35.

—.  “Pennsylvania Shortlines.” NRHS Bulletin   Spring 2009: 4-15.

—.  “Philadelphia Area Sentinels: Surviving PRR and RDG Towers”.  Railpace Newsmagazine  May 2009: 30-33.

—.  “Tour of the Line: Gettysburg Scenic and Gettysburg & Northern”.  Railpace Newsmagazine Oct 2008: 20-31.


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Parque Julio Enrique Monagas, Ponce

Central Mercedita Plymouth Locomotive #12, Serial Number 5135, Model DE, Wheel Type 0-4-4-0, Meter Gauge, Weight 50 Tons

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