Luis de, Casenave. “Central La Plata en San Sebastián.” Fotografía. Colección Periódico El Mundo, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. N.p., 1952. Web. 13 Aug. 2014. <>.
Locomotora Grúa / Locomotive Crane
….It was an ex-US Navy crane from Roosevelt Roads. It was built by Ohio Crane, serial number 4264, 3/29/43. It was meter gauge, and is a locomotive crane (self propelled), 30 tons, 75′ boom with a 5′ extension, diesel-electric. It may have gone first to the American RR, per information from a veteran who was stationed at the base where the crane worked the docks and drydock. But I have no proof of that. According to workers at Plata, they got it in 1958. I took the photo of it in early 1969. Deyo, Dave. “Central La Plata.” Message to the author. 14 Sept. 2014. E-mail.
Mapa / Map – San Sebastián