Cartas de un conductor / Letters from a Conductor — American Railroad Co. of Puerto Rico


Cartas de un conductor / Letters from a Conductor
Colección Dave Deyo


El Reverendo Ramírez Vélez era un conductor retirado en los trenes de pasajeros de la American Railroad. Le escribió varias cartas a Dave.  La carta incluida está incompleta pero tiene muchos datos interesantes.

….. I found part of one of the letters the Rev. Ramirez-Velez sent me while I was in Puerto Rico.  He was the retired ARR conductor who mailed me a half dozen long letters telling what he remembered from his years in passenger service.  I have not discovered the rest of the letters, but the attached pages represent most of one of the first ones he sent.  It appears there is a part of a page
missing as he abruptly starts talking about car attendants in the sleeping cars, and there is no earlier discussion about these cars.

Email from Dave Deyo, June 13, 2013.

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