Facilities / Facilidades


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Torre de Muestra y Romana, Central Mercedita, Ponce / Central Mercedita Core Sampler and Weighing Station, Ponce

La caña era transportada a la central en camiones, carretones, o por ferrocarril.  Todo tipo de transporte era pesado para conocer la cantidad de caña que llevaba.  El peso de los vehículos de transporte era conocido previo a la zafra.  Una muestra de la caña era tomada bajo la torre de muestra o por el tractor en la foto, insertando un tubo hueco en la caña.  La muestra era analizada para determinar la calidad de la azúcar en la caña.

Sugar cane was delivered to the mill in trucks, carts, and by train.  All vehicles had to be weighed in order to know how much cane they carried.  Vehicle weight was already known before the harvest started.  A sample of the cane was taken at the core sampler tower or by the tractor in the picture, by inserting a hollow tube into the cane and extracting a sample.  This sample was analyzed to determine the quality of sugar in the sugar cane.

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